The ones who are expected to be the hardest hit but the lack of news are the elderly and as winter approaches many might die unless something is done fast.
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He took Oscar to the vet after noticing a rattling sound coming from his pet's stomach.
They then discovered that 13 golf balls were lodged in his stomach.
Mr Morrison, said one of the balls had been in his stomach so long that it had turned black and was decomposing.
He said: "He finds golf balls like truffles. We're not sure how long exactly this happened over, but it must have been a fair period several months at least. I felt his stomach and heard them rattling around. He normally brings a few home, but I had no idea he had eaten so many."
Also found in Oscar's stomach was a human hand, a car license plate and a WWII bomber that went missing during a training flight.
Bob Hesketh, 40, principal vet at Vetrica in Rosyth, said he had never seen anything like it. "It was like a magic trick.
I opened him up and felt what I thought was two or three golf balls.But they just kept coming until we had a bag full.Labs are known for a fondness for balls but usually you have to entice them by smearing peanut butter unto them."
She was rushed to hospital in Crete's popular party resort of Malia after just a few sips.
The cocktail, bought in a Greek bar for 10 euros (£7.80), and served in a bowl, is said to contain a mixture of Baileys, chilli powder, tequila, absinthe, dog turds, ouzo, vodka, cider and gin, plus a 'secret ingredient' known as sauce of sun yung gi .
Corinne is safely back home after her ordeal but her facial features have still not returned to normal.
Her mum Fiona Roth, 43, of Astonbury Green, Easterside, explained how one drink turned her daughter's dream holiday into a nightmare.
She said: 'She drank about a third of it then her friend said 'have you seen your head?' Then Corinne said 'I know, I have brain-freeze'.
Corinne, an administrator in media and arts at the University of Teesside now gets mistaken for her mother who has not drank the cocktail.