Friday, May 16, 2008

Frog Alert

A flood of frogs fearlessly dodged traffic in a mass exodus from something. Many Chinese people saw this migration as a bad omen of a coming natural disaster. The Chinese government said it was natural for the purpose of propagation. No one took the omen very seriously.

That was 8 days before the 7.9-magnitude earthquake. The question is what do the frogs know that we don't ?


Kimberly said...

It's an animal thing....They have that 6th sense that we didn't get....We just don't listen...

Memarie Lane said...

They were probably afraid of the whole Egyptian plague thing. If they all had to sacrifice their firstborn, there wouldn't be anyone left.

Anonymous said...

This happens every year around here, the migration of frogs, I mean. The roads get quite squishy, actually, and there has only been one very minor earthquake here in the past 100 years or so.

Anonymous said...

I like to eat frogs.