Probert has been under investigation by the company's board for misstating his academic credentials in his biography.
Probert's biography stated he had a master's in business administration which he got in less than a month with amazing results, but he acknowledged last week that he never fully completed the requirements for his MBA at California State University, Los Angeles and it was all done with body doubles and computer manipulation.
Probert's admission followed press inquires that stemmed from an investigation by Barry Minkow. Minkow runs the Fraud Discovery Institute in San Francisco and has been a vocal critic of Herbalife.
He is currently shorting the shares, which means he is betting the stock price will drop.
Herbalife, which sells nutritional supplements and weight-loss products, said it "had no other choice" but to accept Probert's resignation "given the company's unwavering commitment to the highest standards in business ethics which can change your life."

The company said existing personnel have taken over Probert's duties as COO. Des Walsh, senior vice president of worldwide sales, has been promoted to executive vice president.
OBB News is disgusted that anyone involved with nutritional supplements, weight-loss products and anti-aging creams would exaggerate anything.
OBB News is disgusted that anyone involved with nutritional supplements, weight-loss products and anti-aging creams would exaggerate anything.
If you can't believe people telling you that a pill can make you healthy, slim, youthful and with a larger penis then who can you believe?
All Herbalife products must be taken in conjunction with regular exercise, dieting and gastric and plastic surgery, terms and conditions may apply.
All Herbalife products must be taken in conjunction with regular exercise, dieting and gastric and plastic surgery, terms and conditions may apply.
there is an oil that will make your penis larger.. All you need to do is get someone to rub it on...
I have something to increase your penis size old man.
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