"It was never like them to leave a newspaper in their tube," Pitts said . "That wonderful, small voice inside me said, `This isn't right."
After his route early Sunday, Pitts went home, napped briefly and, with his wife, returned to Blanche and Fred Roberts home, just outside Marion, Illinois.
They repeatedly rang the doorbells but got no answer. Pitts then eased open an unlocked side door and saw the couple about two feet inside, 84-year-old Blanche Roberts helpless looking right back at Pitts.
She was pinned beneath the body of her 77-year-old husband Fred, who apparently had died last Wednesday evening of a heart attack after mowing the lawn.
Blanche Roberts, 84, is a frail and petite lady and suffered no ill effects but thrist. Fred her 77 year-old toy boy always felt amorous after a good mowing and decided to hoe Blanche's garden.
Fred was described as a "good sized man" by Pitts and he also had a large build.
Blanche Roberts, 84, is a frail and petite lady and suffered no ill effects but thrist. Fred her 77 year-old toy boy always felt amorous after a good mowing and decided to hoe Blanche's garden.
Fred was described as a "good sized man" by Pitts and he also had a large build.
Blanche Roberts, who often tipped him in letters and was known to Pitts and his wife as "The Prayer Lady."
In her missives, "Blanche would say, `I've been praying for you at night whenever the weather's bad, realizing you're out in it delivering our papers,"' Pitts said. "We'd always say a little prayer back."
Pitts said, the Lord was with Fred Roberts in his final moments and he must of seen the tunnel of light because we were told his last words were, "I'm coming."
well, he died on top of things.
he went with a smile on.
he died doing something he loved.
he was useful to the end.
I could write obituaries (but I probably can't spell)
She should have been on top the lazy bitch.
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