Ng See-Yuen, founder of the UME Cineplex one of China's biggest cinema chains and the chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Filmmakers, called Stone's comments "inappropriate" and says his company would not show her films in his theaters.
"I'm not happy about the way the Chinese are treating the Tibetans because I don't think anyone should be unkind to anyone else," Stone told OBB News.
"And then this earthquake and all this stuff happened, and then I thought, is that karma? When you're not nice that the bad things happen to you?"
You'd think that ever since Tom Cruise giving his highly educated opinion on anti-depressants that actors should stop thinking for themselves and just stick to reading what the writers write for them and trying to look young and pretty.
I don't think the Chinese school children were hurting Tibet.
It is thought that Stone's career slid into obscurity because of bad karma for movies like Basic Instinct and Sliver.
A woman who answered the phone at the Foreign Ministry in Beijing refused to give her name or position said "Who is Sharon Stone is she married to Ozzy?"
The Dalai Lama said earlier today: " Please stop trying to help us Miss Stone."
American televangelist Pat Robertson called for the death of the Dalai Lama and said, " If China wasn't so full of sinful commie loving heathens this would never had happened."
Stone has at least four movies coming up between now and 2010, including "Streets of Blood," "Five Dollars a Day" and "The Year of Getting to Know Us."
Unless any big stars are in them I don't think China will really be missing out.
I just read that she has apologized and is "deeply sorry" for causing anguish and anger among the Chinese people.
She must have read this article earlier today.
If she'll have a long night of love making with me I think they should forgive her.
Why is it that people are only deeply sorry when the public and their agents turn against them?
screw china.
the quake should keep them busy at home with little time to fuck with tibet.
and if the quake isn't enough then may the wrath of God screw with them some more.
就算骚货下跪磕头,全世界华人绝对不原谅它这骚狼死通的道歉,它们全家死光光,karma to bitch sharon, her family and whoever slept with her---including the lamas who fuck her day and night---go to hell, you bitch and your bustard children--
As an American Chinese, I curse her, her family member and those whoever slept with her, go to hell--
sharon stone is a bitch of all bitches, she get group fucked by all the lamas in the west. what she is good in is open her legs and get fucked, her words come out between her legs, that is where her brian is–go to hell, sharon bitch , go to hell and your next 100 life will be pig and bitch dog
–no need for your apology, nobody will ever accept you bitch meaningless apology. sharon bitch, you go to hell straight and enjoy group fucked by the ghosts, never have a next life, keep yourself fucked by ghosts in hell–go to hell sharon。 Karma to all your 100 or 1000 husbands and your bustard children—all karma to hell. Before going to hell your whole family suffer from HIV, Ebola, Congo Fever---go to hell and get group fucked by the ghosts—you will never have your next life, get fucked for all your life in hell—karma to you and your family. 打死这只骚狼死通,抵制所有DIOR以及它狗骚货代言产品,让它全家死通通。你家有它骚货影碟,烧了给它带到阴间,永不超脱苦海-sharon stone is a bitch of all bitches, she get group fucked by all the lamas in the west. what she is good in is open her legs and get fucked, her words come out between her legs, that is where her brian is–go to hell, sharon bitch , go to hell and your next 100 life will be pig and bitch dog
–no need for your apology, nobody will ever accept you bitch meaningless apology. sharon bitch, you go to hell straight and enjoy group fucked by the ghosts, never have a next life, keep yourself fucked by ghosts in hell–go to hell sharon。 Karma to all your 100 or 1000 husbands and your bustard children—all karma to hell. Before going to hell your whole family suffer from HIV, Ebola, Congo Fever---go to hell and get group fucked by the ghosts—you will never have your next life, get fucked for all your life in hell—karma to you and your family. 打死这只骚狼死通,抵制所有DIOR以及它狗骚货代言产品,让它全家死通通。你家有它骚货影碟,烧了给它带到阴间,永不超脱苦海--黄泉路上你全家都在爬着到19层地狱--karma to sharon bitch, her family members and whoever supporting shaorn bitch--go to hell forever, gang fucked by the lamas in the hell
to worrior woman--karma to you: all your family members, your relatives, your frineds , your pet all suffer from aids, congo fever, ebola to keep you busy going to hell slowly--you all go to hell- bitches and bastards all yur family
hell to sharon , worriorwoman and all their family members, friends, relatives, pets--go to hell slowly with aids, ebola, congo ferver, to keep you away from iraqi war-- you all go to hell and get fucked by the lamas in hell
he he he he.
angry little china man,
he he he he
I don't think its fair that because I busted Stone's brown star over a wheelie bin one drunken night that I get to go to Hell.
poor winkie little china man, the chin-ese went into tibet and now the world thinks you're all dirt.
poor little muffins
Anonymous 3:34-
Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.
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