Tuesday, March 11, 2008

You Have My Vote

Senator and Presidential hopeful Hilary Clinton stopped in at an art exhibition in New York by actress Natalie Portman who used all non-animal products in her works. Ms Portman was ecstatic by the senators visit and judging by her top we can safely say who she will be voting for.


frog ponds rock... said...

That's not a couple of small cigars stashed down her top is it????


Anonymous said...

That is a lovely top, with much perkiness.

Anonymous said...

I could make that white girl wet.

h said...

Is she pretty famous? Portman? Nice tits, I think.

Anonymous said...

knudsen you must have a thing for boobs, but I do see your point, actually I see two.

Anonymous said...

Is that Hilary woman well known?

Anonymous said...

Maybe if Hilary promises the world that Portman will be her running mate she'll get elected. It might be her only hope.

Zoe said...

i hope she plans to breastfeed. it would be a shame to waste those nipples.